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Featured eBook

5 IoT Worksite Myths Busted

Embrace the future of work with the benefits of IoT and a connected workforce. In this eBook, we dispel misunderstandings about workplace IoT solutions and uncover the many ways in which IoT can improve labor productivity, engagement, and collaboration.

Featured Case Study

Wearable Tech Transforms Plant Project Efficiency

Download this case study to learn how Triax® helped a petrochemical plant identify opportunities to increase operational efficiency during a pre-turnaround.

Featured Case Study

Evacuation & Muster Automation Case Study

Learn how one gas plant updated safety protocols and decreased evacuation and muster times by 70% through automation after repeatedly failing safety audits.

Demystifying the Internet of Things for Construction

Imagine being able to track the exact location of a backhoe on one jobsite, a pallet of drywall on another and an electrical sub on a third—and doing it all in seconds, with just a few simple strokes on your laptop, smartphone or tablet.

5 COVID Safety Measures That Should Remain on Jobsites

The COVID-19 pandemic sent shock waves through every corner of our lives, upending how we live and work. Masks became mandatory. Social distancing was required. And companies sent workers home, staggered shifts and stopped projects altogether to limit the spread of the coronavirus and keep workers safe.

5 Myths Busted ebook

The integration of IoT in the workplace has fundamentally changed the way data is collected, analyzed, and utilized, leading to […]

Demystifying IoT

Here’s how the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) works, and why your worksite needs it Imagine being able to know […]